A profession that employs an individual or in an office to assist with correspondence, keep records, make appointments, and carry out similar tasks. It provides the task of managing the office and the right hand of a CEO/ Manager, and more. They’re the responsibilities of the committee members like confirming some legal requirements and retrieving the important documentation.
In the tax compliance malaysia in the company services, the main corporate provider of the profession in the secretaries in malaysia is to associate the publication orders and the matter of international level. In the malaysia payroll system, ESOP employee option plan is to develop the implementation of your administration. In the services, they set the priority of your company’s time and can maximize in handling your administrative processes, and compliance of your documents
The company is set up that fits the associated secretary.
- Sustain the status of the records and the files yearly.
- Attending board meetings, and shareholders, and taking down notes of the minutes of the meeting.
- Always getting ready for the board and shareholders’ commitment.
- They illustrate the official registration and renewal process.
- They make the process of the capital reductions, sharing of the alliance, division, capital increase, etc.
- Reconstruct the mark-down companies, close the branches and employee voluntary removal.
- In the making process the beginning public offer solutions and in preparing the companies for IPO together with the before and advance for training in directors.
- Making advice on the relation of securities commission guidelines.
- Processing the concern of crisis management solutions, and board and shareholders discussion.
- Reviewing the chairman’s statement, managing discussion, an analytic topic, and another yearly report on public companies.
- Assisting and suggestions on the yearly status and regulation compilation in malaysia, and other countries.
- They also handle the company’s registration to the construction of the new company in malaysia, they have a large-scale of advisory services to your company registration. They also booked for your setting up a branch office in malaysia and other foreign companies.
Benefits of having a secretary in your company.
The benefits of having a company secretary can communicate efficiently to your shareholders,s external stakeholders and mainly has a set of important contacts, and can provide administrative advice. Company secretaries take part in a creative role in assisting their organization and keeping some confidential issues. To conclude, with the improvement of companies, they’re an advantage for your company’s future.